Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Wake Up Early?

 This silhouette photo image is taken at 5:45am during our trip in Khorfakkan in the year 2007.  
Photo by: myranderson

Do you know that the best  time to photo shoot landscape is sunrise or sunset?  An aspiring Photographer, need to train himself in waking up early morning to capture some magical images of the day.  This should never be missed out on such a moment, just because of laziness!  Waking up early to take lovely picture is one of the most spectacular and challenging types of photography.  The beauty of the sun during sunrise is so magnificent that every Photographer should not miss out to capture in his lens. 

In order to prepare the newbies in your First Outdoor Photography, you need to do some preparations.

 1)     Sleep Early – no late night out!
2)      Pack all you need before going to bed.
3)      Ensure that all your batteries is charged
4)      Check your camera bag – ensure that all the equipment you need is inside.
a.       Camera with correct lens
b.      CF / SD Card
c.       Exposure Log Book
d.      Student ID
e.       T-shirt

Lastly, when you are ready to go in the morning and before you close your camera bag…pick up your camera and take a quick shot of anything around your house.  You will be able to know instantly if you put the memory card, whether your battery is inside already, and whether your camera is in good working order.  Obviously, you do not want to be disappointed arriving at the location knowing that you forget something that you need.  You rather know while you are at home and have enough time to grab a memory card, charge your battery or fix whatever problem prior to leaving your house. 

Just a simple tip to remember for those who seriously want to become a good Photographer.

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